Source: input/keyboard.js

const EventEmitter = require('engine/EventEmitter');

 * @class Keyboard
 * @extends {EventEmitter}
 * @emits keydown
 * @emits keyup
class Keyboard extends EventEmitter {
   * @constructor
  constructor() {

     * @type {array}
     * @private
    this._keysDown = [];

    window.addEventListener('keydown', this._keydown.bind(this));
    window.addEventListener('keyup', this._keyup.bind(this));
    window.addEventListener('blur', this._resetKeys.bind(this));

   * Check if key is pressed down.
   * @method down
   * @memberof Keyboard#
   * @param {string} key  Name of the key to check
   * @return {Boolean}  Whether this key is pressed down
  down(key) {
    return !!this._keysDown[key];

   * @method _keydown
   * @memberof Keyboard#
   * @param {KeyboardEvent} event   Keydown event
   * @private
  _keydown(event) {
    if (!Keyboard.keys[event.keyCode]) {
      // Unknown key
      Keyboard.keys[event.keyCode] = event.keyCode;

    if (this._keysDown[Keyboard.keys[event.keyCode]]) {

    this._keysDown[Keyboard.keys[event.keyCode]] = true;
    this.emit('keydown', Keyboard.keys[event.keyCode], this.down('SHIFT'), this.down('CTRL'), this.down('ALT'));

   * @method _keyup
   * @memberof Keyboard#
   * @param {KeyboardEvent} event   Key up event
   * @private
  _keyup(event) {
    this._keysDown[Keyboard.keys[event.keyCode]] = false;
    this.emit('keyup', Keyboard.keys[event.keyCode]);

   * @method _resetKeys
   * @memberof Keyboard#
   * @private
  _resetKeys() {
    for (var key in this._keysDown) {
      this._keysDown[key] = false;

Object.assign(Keyboard, {
   * List of available keys.
   * @memberof Keyboard#
   * @type {object}
  keys: {
    8: 'BACKSPACE',
    9: 'TAB',
    13: 'ENTER',
    16: 'SHIFT',
    17: 'CTRL',
    18: 'ALT',
    19: 'PAUSE',
    20: 'CAPS_LOCK',
    27: 'ESC',
    32: 'SPACE',
    33: 'PAGE_UP',
    34: 'PAGE_DOWN',
    35: 'END',
    36: 'HOME',
    37: 'LEFT',
    38: 'UP',
    39: 'RIGHT',
    40: 'DOWN',
    44: 'PRINT_SCREEN',
    45: 'INSERT',
    46: 'DELETE',
    48: '0',
    49: '1',
    50: '2',
    51: '3',
    52: '4',
    53: '5',
    54: '6',
    55: '7',
    56: '8',
    57: '9',
    65: 'A',
    66: 'B',
    67: 'C',
    68: 'D',
    69: 'E',
    70: 'F',
    71: 'G',
    72: 'H',
    73: 'I',
    74: 'J',
    75: 'K',
    76: 'L',
    77: 'M',
    78: 'N',
    79: 'O',
    80: 'P',
    81: 'Q',
    82: 'R',
    83: 'S',
    84: 'T',
    85: 'U',
    86: 'V',
    87: 'W',
    88: 'X',
    89: 'Y',
    90: 'Z',
    96: 'NUM_0',
    97: 'NUM_1',
    98: 'NUM_2',
    99: 'NUM_3',
    100: 'NUM_4',
    101: 'NUM_5',
    102: 'NUM_6',
    103: 'NUM_7',
    104: 'NUM_8',
    105: 'NUM_9',
    106: 'NUM_MULTIPLY',
    107: 'NUM_PLUS',
    109: 'NUM_MINUS',
    110: 'NUM_PERIOD',
    111: 'NUM_DIVISION',
    112: 'F1',
    113: 'F2',
    114: 'F3',
    115: 'F4',
    116: 'F5',
    117: 'F6',
    118: 'F7',
    119: 'F8',
    120: 'F9',
    121: 'F10',
    122: 'F11',
    123: 'F12',
    186: 'SEMICOLON',
    187: 'PLUS',
    189: 'MINUS',
    192: 'GRAVE_ACCENT',
    222: 'SINGLE_QUOTE',

 * Keyboard events and states support.
 * An instance of `Keyboard` is exported as the default value of
 * `engine/input/keyboard` module.
 * @see Keyboard
 * @exports engine/input/keyboard
 * @requires module:engine/EventEmitter
 * @example
 * const keyboard = require('engine/input/keyboard');
 * keyboard.on('keydown', (key) => {
 *   console.log(`key "${key}" is pressed`);
 * });
module.exports = new Keyboard();
module.exports.Keyboard = Keyboard;