Source: gfx/core/utils/pluginTarget.js

 * Mixins functionality to make an object have "plugins".
 * @mixin
 * @param {object} obj The object to mix into.
 * @example
 * function MyObject() {}
 * pluginTarget.mixin(MyObject);
function pluginTarget(obj) {
  obj.__plugins = {};

   * Adds a plugin to an object
   * @param {string} pluginName The events that should be listed.
   * @param {Function} ctor     The constructor function for the plugin.
  obj.registerPlugin = function(pluginName, ctor) {
    obj.__plugins[pluginName] = ctor;

   * Instantiates all the plugins of this object
  obj.prototype.initPlugins = function() {
    this.plugins = this.plugins || {};

    for (var o in obj.__plugins) {
      this.plugins[o] = new (obj.__plugins[o])(this);

   * Removes all the plugins of this object
  obj.prototype.destroyPlugins = function() {
    for (var o in this.plugins) {
      this.plugins[o] = null;

    this.plugins = null;

module.exports = {
   * Mixes in the properties of the pluginTarget into another object
   * @param {object} obj The obj to mix into
  mixin: function mixin(obj) {