Source: gfx/core/textures/BaseTexture.js

const utils = require('../utils');
const CONST = require('../../const');
const EventEmitter = require('engine/EventEmitter');

 * A texture stores the information that represents an image. All textures have a base texture.
 * @class
 * @param source {Image|Canvas} the source object of the texture.
 * @param [scaleMode=SCALE_MODES.DEFAULT] {number} See {@link SCALE_MODES} for possible values
 * @param resolution {number} the resolution of the texture for devices with different pixel ratios
class BaseTexture extends EventEmitter {
  constructor(source, scaleMode, resolution) {

    this.uid = utils.uid();

     * The Resolution of the texture.
     * @member {number}
    this.resolution = resolution || 1;

     * The width of the base texture set when the image has loaded
     * @member {number}
     * @readOnly
    this.width = 100;

     * The height of the base texture set when the image has loaded
     * @member {number}
     * @readOnly
    this.height = 100;

    // TODO docs
    // used to store the actual dimensions of the source
     * Used to store the actual width of the source of this texture
     * @member {number}
     * @readOnly
    this.realWidth = 100;
     * Used to store the actual height of the source of this texture
     * @member {number}
     * @readOnly
    this.realHeight = 100;

     * The scale mode to apply when scaling this texture
     * @member {number}
     * @default SCALE_MODES.LINEAR
     * @see SCALE_MODES
    this.scaleMode = scaleMode || CONST.SCALE_MODES.DEFAULT;

     * Set to true once the base texture has successfully loaded.
     * This is never true if the underlying source fails to load or has no texture data.
     * @member {boolean}
     * @readOnly
    this.hasLoaded = false;

     * Set to true if the source is currently loading.
     * If an Image source is loading the 'loaded' or 'error' event will be
     * dispatched when the operation ends. An underyling source that is
     * immediately-available bypasses loading entirely.
     * @member {boolean}
     * @readonly
    this.isLoading = false;

     * The image source that is used to create the texture.
     * TODO: Make this a setter that calls loadSource();
     * @member {Image|Canvas}
     * @readonly
    this.source = null; // set in loadSource, if at all

     * Controls if RGB channels should be pre-multiplied by Alpha  (WebGL only)
     * All blend modes, and shaders written for default value. Change it on your own risk.
     * @member {boolean}
     * @default true
    this.premultipliedAlpha = true;

     * @member {string}
    this.imageUrl = null;

     * Wether or not the texture is a power of two, try to use power of two textures as much as you can
     * @member {boolean}
     * @private
    this.isPowerOfTwo = false;

    // used for webGL

     * Set this to true if a mipmap of this texture needs to be generated. This value needs to be set before the texture is used
     * Also the texture must be a power of two size to work
     * @member {boolean}
    this.mipmap = false;

     * A map of renderer IDs to webgl textures
     * @member {object<number, WebGLTexture>}
     * @private
    this._glTextures = {};

    // if no source passed don't try to load
    if (source) {

     * Fired when a not-immediately-available source finishes loading.
     * @event loaded
     * @memberof BaseTexture#
     * @protected

     * Fired when a not-immediately-available source fails to load.
     * @event error
     * @memberof BaseTexture#
     * @protected

   * Updates the texture on all the webgl renderers, this also assumes the src has changed.
   * @fires update
  update() {
    this.realWidth = this.source.naturalWidth || this.source.width;
    this.realHeight = this.source.naturalHeight || this.source.height;

    this.width = this.realWidth / this.resolution;
    this.height = this.realHeight / this.resolution;

    this.isPowerOfTwo = utils.isPowerOfTwo(this.realWidth, this.realHeight);

    this.emit('update', this);

   * Load a source.
   * If the source is not-immediately-available, such as an image that needs to be
   * downloaded, then the 'loaded' or 'error' event will be dispatched in the future
   * and `hasLoaded` will remain false after this call.
   * The logic state after calling `loadSource` directly or indirectly (eg. `fromImage`, `new BaseTexture`) is:
   *     if (texture.hasLoaded)
   *        // texture ready for use
   *     } else if (texture.isLoading)
   *        // listen to 'loaded' and/or 'error' events on texture
   *     } else {
   *        // not loading, not going to load UNLESS the source is reloaded
   *        // (it may still make sense to listen to the events)
   *     }
   * @protected
   * @param source {Image|Canvas} the source object of the texture.
  loadSource(source) {
    var wasLoading = this.isLoading;
    this.hasLoaded = false;
    this.isLoading = false;

    if (wasLoading && this.source) {
      this.source.onload = null;
      this.source.onerror = null;

    this.source = source;

      // Apply source if loaded. Otherwise setup appropriate loading monitors.
    if ((this.source.complete || this.source.getContext) && this.source.width && this.source.height) {
    else if (!source.getContext) {

          // Image fail / not ready
      this.isLoading = true;

      var scope = this;

      source.onload = function() {
        source.onload = null;
        source.onerror = null;

        if (!scope.isLoading) {

        scope.isLoading = false;

        scope.emit('loaded', scope);

      source.onerror = function() {
        source.onload = null;
        source.onerror = null;

        if (!scope.isLoading) {

        scope.isLoading = false;
        scope.emit('error', scope);

          // Per
          //   "The value of `complete` can thus change while a script is executing."
          // So complete needs to be re-checked after the callbacks have been added..
          // NOTE: complete will be true if the image has no src so best to check if the src is set.
      if (source.complete && source.src) {
        this.isLoading = false;

              // ..and if we're complete now, no need for callbacks
        source.onload = null;
        source.onerror = null;

        if (source.width && source.height) {

                  // If any previous subscribers possible
          if (wasLoading) {
            this.emit('loaded', this);
        else {
                  // If any previous subscribers possible
          if (wasLoading) {
            this.emit('error', this);

   * Used internally to update the width, height, and some other tracking vars once
   * a source has successfully loaded.
   * @private
  _sourceLoaded() {
    this.hasLoaded = true;

   * Destroys this base texture
  destroy() {
    if (this.imageUrl) {
      delete utils.BaseTextureCache[this.imageUrl];
      delete utils.TextureCache[this.imageUrl];

      this.imageUrl = null;

      if (!navigator.isCocoonJS) {
        this.source.src = '';
    else if (this.source && this.source._pixiId) {
      delete utils.BaseTextureCache[this.source._pixiId];

    this.source = null;


   * Frees the texture from WebGL memory without destroying this texture object.
   * This means you can still use the texture later which will upload it to GPU
   * memory again.
  dispose() {
    this.emit('dispose', this);

      // this should no longer be needed, the renderers should cleanup all the gl textures.
      // this._glTextures = {};

   * Changes the source image of the texture.
   * The original source must be an Image element.
   * @param newSrc {string} the path of the image
  updateSourceImage(newSrc) {
    this.source.src = newSrc;


 * Helper function that creates a base texture from the given image url.
 * If the image is not in the base texture cache it will be created and loaded.
 * @static
 * @param imageUrl {string} The image url of the texture
 * @param [crossorigin=(auto)] {boolean} Should use anonymous CORS? Defaults to true if the URL is not a data-URI.
 * @param [scaleMode=SCALE_MODES.DEFAULT] {number} See {@link SCALE_MODES} for possible values
 * @return BaseTexture
BaseTexture.fromImage = function(imageUrl, crossorigin, scaleMode) {
  var baseTexture = utils.BaseTextureCache[imageUrl];

  if (crossorigin === undefined && imageUrl.indexOf('data:') !== 0) {
    crossorigin = true;

  if (!baseTexture) {
        // new Image() breaks tex loading in some versions of Chrome.
        // See
    var image = new Image();// document.createElement('img');
    if (crossorigin) {
      image.crossOrigin = '';

    baseTexture = new BaseTexture(image, scaleMode);
    baseTexture.imageUrl = imageUrl;

    image.src = imageUrl;

    utils.BaseTextureCache[imageUrl] = baseTexture;

        // if there is an @2x at the end of the url we are going to assume its a highres image
    baseTexture.resolution = utils.getResolutionOfUrl(imageUrl);

  return baseTexture;

 * Helper function that creates a base texture from the given canvas element.
 * @static
 * @param canvas {Canvas} The canvas element source of the texture
 * @param scaleMode {number} See {@link SCALE_MODES} for possible values
 * @return BaseTexture
BaseTexture.fromCanvas = function(canvas, scaleMode) {
  if (!canvas._pixiId) {
    canvas._pixiId = 'canvas_' + utils.uid();

  var baseTexture = utils.BaseTextureCache[canvas._pixiId];

  if (!baseTexture) {
    baseTexture = new BaseTexture(canvas, scaleMode);
    utils.BaseTextureCache[canvas._pixiId] = baseTexture;

  return baseTexture;

module.exports = BaseTexture;