Source: gfx/core/sprites/Sprite.js

const math = require('../math');
const Texture = require('../textures/Texture');
const Node = require('../Node');
const CanvasTinter = require('../renderers/canvas/utils/CanvasTinter');
const utils = require('../utils');
const CONST = require('../../const');
const { textureFromData } = require('../../utils');
const tempPoint = new math.Point();
const GroupD8 = math.GroupD8;
const canvasRenderWorldTransform = new math.Matrix();

 * The Sprite object is the base for all textured objects that are rendered to the screen
 * ```js
 * // Load some textures
 * loader.add('image.png');
 * // Create a sprite with that texture
 * var sprite = new Sprite('image.png');
 * // Load sprite atlas
 * loader.add('my_atlas.json');
 * // Create a sprite with a texture(named 'my_image.png') inside the atlas
 * var sprite2 = new Sprite(['my_atlas.json', 'my_image.png']);
 * ```
 * @class
 * @extends Node
 * @param texture {Texture|String|Array} The texture for this sprite
class Sprite extends Node {
  constructor(texture) {

     * The anchor sets the origin point of the texture.
     * The default is 0,0 this means the texture's origin is the top left
     * Setting the anchor to 0.5,0.5 means the texture's origin is centered
     * Setting the anchor to 1,1 would mean the texture's origin point will be the bottom right corner
     * @member {Point}
    this.anchor = new math.Point();

     * The texture that the sprite is using
     * @member {Texture}
     * @private
    this._texture = null;

     * The width of the sprite (this is initially set by the texture)
     * @member {number}
     * @private
    this._width = 0;

     * The height of the sprite (this is initially set by the texture)
     * @member {number}
     * @private
    this._height = 0;

     * The tint applied to the sprite. This is a hex value. A value of 0xFFFFFF will remove any tint effect.
     * @member {number}
     * @default 0xFFFFFF
    this.tint = 0xFFFFFF;

     * The blend mode to be applied to the sprite. Apply a value of `BLEND_MODES.NORMAL` to reset the blend mode.
     * @member {number}
     * @default BLEND_MODES.NORMAL
     * @see BLEND_MODES
    this.blendMode = CONST.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL;

     * The shader that will be used to render the sprite. Set to null to remove a current shader.
     * @member {AbstractFilter|Shader}
    this.shader = null;

     * An internal cached value of the tint.
     * @member {number}
     * @default 0xFFFFFF
    this.cachedTint = 0xFFFFFF;

    // call texture setter
    this.texture = textureFromData(texture) || Texture.EMPTY;

   * When the texture is updated, this event will fire to update the scale and frame
   * @private
  _onTextureUpdate() {
      // so if _width is 0 then width was not set..
    if (this._width) {
      this.scale.x = utils.sign(this.scale.x) * this._width / this.texture.frame.width;

    if (this._height) {
      this.scale.y = utils.sign(this.scale.y) * this._height / this.texture.frame.height;

  * Renders the object using the WebGL renderer
  * @param renderer {WebGLRenderer}
  * @private
  _renderWebGL(renderer) {

   * Returns the bounds of the Sprite as a rectangle. The bounds calculation takes the worldTransform into account.
   * @param matrix {Matrix} the transformation matrix of the sprite
   * @return {Rectangle} the framing rectangle
  getBounds(matrix) {
    if (!this._currentBounds) {

      var width = this._texture._frame.width;
      var height = this._texture._frame.height;

      var w0 = width * (1 - this.anchor.x);
      var w1 = width * -this.anchor.x;

      var h0 = height * (1 - this.anchor.y);
      var h1 = height * -this.anchor.y;

      var worldTransform = matrix || this.worldTransform;

      var a = worldTransform.a;
      var b = worldTransform.b;
      var c = worldTransform.c;
      var d = worldTransform.d;
      var tx = worldTransform.tx;
      var ty = worldTransform.ty;

      var minX,

          // TODO - I am SURE this can be optimised, but the below is not accurate enough..
          if (b === 0 && c === 0)
              // scale may be negative!
              if (a < 0)
                  a *= -1;

              if (d < 0)
                  d *= -1;

              // this means there is no rotation going on right? RIGHT?
              // if thats the case then we can avoid checking the bound values! yay
              minX = a * w1 + tx;
              maxX = a * w0 + tx;
              minY = d * h1 + ty;
              maxY = d * h0 + ty;

      var x1 = a * w1 + c * h1 + tx;
      var y1 = d * h1 + b * w1 + ty;

      var x2 = a * w0 + c * h1 + tx;
      var y2 = d * h1 + b * w0 + ty;

      var x3 = a * w0 + c * h0 + tx;
      var y3 = d * h0 + b * w0 + ty;

      var x4 = a * w1 + c * h0 + tx;
      var y4 = d * h0 + b * w1 + ty;

      minX = x1;
      minX = x2 < minX ? x2 : minX;
      minX = x3 < minX ? x3 : minX;
      minX = x4 < minX ? x4 : minX;

      minY = y1;
      minY = y2 < minY ? y2 : minY;
      minY = y3 < minY ? y3 : minY;
      minY = y4 < minY ? y4 : minY;

      maxX = x1;
      maxX = x2 > maxX ? x2 : maxX;
      maxX = x3 > maxX ? x3 : maxX;
      maxX = x4 > maxX ? x4 : maxX;

      maxY = y1;
      maxY = y2 > maxY ? y2 : maxY;
      maxY = y3 > maxY ? y3 : maxY;
      maxY = y4 > maxY ? y4 : maxY;

          // }

          // check for children
      if (this.children.length) {
        var childBounds = this.containerGetBounds();

        w0 = childBounds.x;
        w1 = childBounds.x + childBounds.width;
        h0 = childBounds.y;
        h1 = childBounds.y + childBounds.height;

        minX = (minX < w0) ? minX : w0;
        minY = (minY < h0) ? minY : h0;

        maxX = (maxX > w1) ? maxX : w1;
        maxY = (maxY > h1) ? maxY : h1;

      var bounds = this._bounds;

      bounds.x = minX;
      bounds.width = maxX - minX;

      bounds.y = minY;
      bounds.height = maxY - minY;

          // store a reference so that if this function gets called again in the render cycle we do not have to recalculate
      this._currentBounds = bounds;

    return this._currentBounds;

   * Gets the local bounds of the sprite object.
  getLocalBounds() {
    this._bounds.x = -this._texture._frame.width * this.anchor.x;
    this._bounds.y = -this._texture._frame.height * this.anchor.y;
    this._bounds.width = this._texture._frame.width;
    this._bounds.height = this._texture._frame.height;
    return this._bounds;

  * Tests if a point is inside this sprite
  * @param point {Point} the point to test
  * @return {boolean} the result of the test
  containsPoint(point) {
    this.worldTransform.applyInverse(point, tempPoint);

    var width = this._texture._frame.width;
    var height = this._texture._frame.height;
    var x1 = -width * this.anchor.x;
    var y1;

    if (tempPoint.x > x1 && tempPoint.x < x1 + width) {
      y1 = -height * this.anchor.y;

      if (tempPoint.y > y1 && tempPoint.y < y1 + height) {
        return true;

    return false;

  * Renders the object using the Canvas renderer
  * @param renderer {CanvasRenderer} The renderer
  * @private
  _renderCanvas(renderer) {
    if (this.texture.crop.width <= 0 || this.texture.crop.height <= 0) {

    var compositeOperation = renderer.blendModes[this.blendMode];
    if (compositeOperation !== renderer.context.globalCompositeOperation) {
      renderer.context.globalCompositeOperation = compositeOperation;

      //  Ignore null sources
    if (this.texture.valid) {
      var texture = this._texture,
        wt = this.worldTransform,
        width = texture.crop.width,
        height = texture.crop.height;

      renderer.context.globalAlpha = this.worldAlpha;

          // If smoothingEnabled is supported and we need to change the smoothing property for this texture
      var smoothingEnabled = texture.baseTexture.scaleMode === CONST.SCALE_MODES.LINEAR;
      if (renderer.smoothProperty && renderer.context[renderer.smoothProperty] !== smoothingEnabled) {
        renderer.context[renderer.smoothProperty] = smoothingEnabled;

          // inline GroupD8.isSwapWidthHeight
      if ((texture.rotate & 3) === 2) {
        width = texture.crop.height;
        height = texture.crop.width;
      if (texture.trim) {
        dx = texture.crop.width / 2 + texture.trim.x - this.anchor.x * texture.trim.width;
        dy = texture.crop.height / 2 + texture.trim.y - this.anchor.y * texture.trim.height;
      else {
        dx = (0.5 - this.anchor.x) * texture._frame.width;
        dy = (0.5 - this.anchor.y) * texture._frame.height;
      if (texture.rotate) {
        wt = canvasRenderWorldTransform;
        GroupD8.matrixAppendRotationInv(wt, texture.rotate, dx, dy);
              // the anchor has already been applied above, so lets set it to zero
        dx = 0;
        dy = 0;
      dx -= width / 2;
      dy -= height / 2;
          // Allow for pixel rounding
      if (renderer.roundPixels) {
          (wt.tx * renderer.resolution) | 0,
          (wt.ty * renderer.resolution) | 0

        dx = dx | 0;
        dy = dy | 0;
      else {
          wt.tx * renderer.resolution,
          wt.ty * renderer.resolution

      var resolution = texture.baseTexture.resolution;

      if (this.tint !== 0xFFFFFF) {
        if (this.cachedTint !== this.tint) {
          this.cachedTint = this.tint;

          // TODO clean up caching - how to clean up the caches?
          this.tintedTexture = CanvasTinter.getTintedTexture(this, this.tint);

          width * resolution,
          height * resolution,
          dx * renderer.resolution,
          dy * renderer.resolution,
          width * renderer.resolution,
          height * renderer.resolution
      else {
          texture.crop.x * resolution,
          texture.crop.y * resolution,
          width * resolution,
          height * resolution,
          dx * renderer.resolution,
          dy * renderer.resolution,
          width * renderer.resolution,
          height * renderer.resolution

   * Destroys this sprite and optionally its texture
   * @param [destroyTexture=false] {boolean} Should it destroy the current texture of the sprite as well
   * @param [destroyBaseTexture=false] {boolean} Should it destroy the base texture of the sprite as well
  destroy(destroyTexture, destroyBaseTexture) {

    this.anchor = null;

    if (destroyTexture) {

    this._texture = null;
    this.shader = null;

Object.defineProperties(Sprite.prototype, {
     * The width of the sprite, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set
     * @member {number}
     * @memberof Sprite#
  width: {
    get: function() {
      return Math.abs(this.scale.x) * this.texture._frame.width;
    set: function(value) {
      var sign = utils.sign(this.scale.x) || 1;
      this.scale.x = sign * value / this.texture._frame.width;
      this._width = value;

     * The height of the sprite, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set
     * @member {number}
     * @memberof Sprite#
  height: {
    get: function() {
      return Math.abs(this.scale.y) * this.texture._frame.height;
    set: function(value) {
      var sign = utils.sign(this.scale.y) || 1;
      this.scale.y = sign * value / this.texture._frame.height;
      this._height = value;

     * The texture that the sprite is using
     * @member {Texture}
     * @memberof Sprite#
  texture: {
    get: function() {
      return this._texture;
    set: function(t) {
      var value = textureFromData(t);
      if (this._texture === value) {

      this._texture = value;
      this.cachedTint = 0xFFFFFF;

      if (value) {
        // wait for the texture to load
        if (value.baseTexture.hasLoaded) {
        else {
          value.once('update', this._onTextureUpdate, this);

module.exports = Sprite;